Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for September 29, 2014
According to the fundamental law of media graph construction, any two things that look correlated on a graph are casually related in real life. It follows that any two things can be made to have a causal relation by having two functions on the graph with two y-axes and scaling the y-axes until they kinda look like each other. By this means, any two trends can be forced into causal relation for the purposes of an article, book, or speech. Why do you think people trust the news less than ever? According to this graph, Penguins are at fault.
Ida No over 10 years ago
My graph says that it’s because TV viewers have penguins for brains.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago
And thus Monty Python is shown to be prescient in their assertion that there is a penguin on the telly.Yes… it’s all so obvious now!
emptc12 over 10 years ago
Oh jeez, now here comes our War on Penguins..The following is a blurb from the upcoming book, THE PENGUIN PESTILENCE:.“VIRGIL THE PENGUIN – the incredible alien gift given him in the frozen tracts of Antarctica could spell doom for the inner planets. The voluptuous explorer, Dierdre, who inadvertently unleashed it seemed destined to DIE IN EXQUISITE AGONY ON A THOUSAND WORLDS unless GREKKO GHRTWQSKI – the man with the unpronounceable name, INTERVENED!
Homeward Premium Member over 10 years ago
Today’s strip reminds me of, which I highly recommend for fun. Participants’ data is used to find strange correlations.
T_Lexi over 10 years ago
; ) The folks at Flying Spaghetti Monster have discovered the causality between pirates and global warming…
Piksea Premium Member over 10 years ago
One of the first things I learned in a college statistics class was how easy it was to manipulate data to meet your message. Le grrrrr!
scyphi26 over 10 years ago
Darn those penguins, they’re ruining everything.