Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 21, 2010
"Game time with the Graevsytes" Dad: Ready kids? Mimi: Almost... Mom: I thought we were going to have a family night of playing monopoly. Dad: They're setting it up now. Just needed to make a banker who's too big to fail first. Mom: Oh, I like the element of catastrophe in this new version! Mimi: Oomph, move over.
rayannina almost 15 years ago
Gotta love a woman who floats six inches off the ground, don’tcha?
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I think the banker’s got a nose for business.
parethed almost 15 years ago
policelimit Premium Member almost 15 years ago
No matter what happens, I’m sure Mr. Graevsyte will come out ahead.
I must say though, I don’t like the look of that giant syringe the daughter has in the second panel! >>shudder<<
Justice22 almost 15 years ago
Monopoly,,,,,, more like LIFE than we imagined.
cbushnell almost 15 years ago
Hooray, the Graevsytes are back! My very favorite Wiley characters. More, more, more!
twinsnake_coatl almost 15 years ago
Not big enough I’m afraid.
davidbyronhopson almost 15 years ago
Is that Sarah Palin’s portrait on the wall in the last panel? It makes this too perfect!
Superfrog almost 15 years ago
All good games have an element of catastrophy.
cdward almost 15 years ago
davidbyronhopson, I think you’re right. Maybe that’s what she meant by “the element of catastrophe.”
wicky almost 15 years ago
Oh no, that is frau pelosi’s pic on the wall in the last panel.
quaffapint almost 15 years ago
Ha, I’m with Richard on that one.
CogentModality almost 15 years ago
Does it make a difference?
mamarose127 Premium Member almost 15 years ago
YAY! The Graevsyte’s are back!
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
the fellow reminds me of myself, my head has been on a platter for years now.
ronaldmundy almost 15 years ago
ohh….shades of the addams family. love it, love it, love it!!! no richard, that’s palin. frau pelosi wished she looked that good. she won’t pay for her psych meds…….i doubt that she’d bother to take them anyway.
Mythreesons almost 15 years ago
I checked yesterday comments on the strips I read, and my question about The Dinette Set had disappeared on all of them. MrsLuke said GoComics only read a flagged comment, and to use the Contact Us, which I will do, but someone please flag this. Have to admit I haven’t figured out what flagging is.
Varnes almost 15 years ago
Yeah, I love this family, too. (Danae has to be related to them some how…) Oh, and Garey, yeah, that syringe is awesome. I think it’s the one they use when something lasts longer than four hours and you should see your doctor.
vldazzle almost 15 years ago
My3Sons- I’ve never flagged anyone here- just read that missing strip at (as I do) because it often needs their magnifier. I love this one today, the macabre can be VERY funny!
Skeezeeks almost 15 years ago
Wiley ‘The Master’ has generated a new line! I hope to see more of the “Graevsytes”
Wiley creator almost 15 years ago
Thanks, John, but actually the Graevsytes isn’t new. I created them 8 years ago. It’s just that they haven’t been in the strip for a while.
pawpawbear almost 15 years ago
Tooooooo COOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!
Mythreesons almost 15 years ago
Thanks, vldazzle-got this mornings strip and bookmarked it to my favorites. I did send a message to GoComics, and their site says they will respond within two days.
vasgar1 almost 15 years ago
That was brilliant, I’ve not been reading long enough to see a Graevsytes comic, but I love it! You are a genius Wiley.
policelimit Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I should hope so, it says “genius” right by his name.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Raul Julia called from HIS gravesite. He and John Astin have a very dry bone to pick with you, Wiley.
michealdark almost 15 years ago
Joseph Krois almost 15 years ago
Wasn’t the banker in Monopoly seen as hopelessly corrupt already?…Oh and by the way the term “too big to fail” doesn’t refer to the size of his head (or nose) either… It has to do with the size of his..ah…”cajones?” Sorry…
vldazzle almost 15 years ago
Thanks Wiley, good one! I think I remember the characters from before I was logged in to comment. I love the “off beat” -as I just commented over on Luann tonight about a movie my TiVo suggested (“Ruling Class”) that I’ve already purchased ;-)
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member almost 15 years ago
But where are they going to find enough liquor to keep the banker happy now?
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Yay, I love the Graevsytes! Oh, and I’m not gonna say who I think is in the picture (actually I don’t know or really care).