My son played for the clown in the blue coat.
I’d say he was hoisted by his own pertarb, but clealry it ain’t hoisted.
Paskudnyak (pas-kud-nyak) a disgusting, revolting, dishonest, unscrupulous, corrupt person.
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
rmbdot about 15 years ago
Yukoneric about 15 years ago
My son played for the clown in the blue coat.
mrprongs about 15 years ago
I’d say he was hoisted by his own pertarb, but clealry it ain’t hoisted.
POPPA1956 about 15 years ago
Paskudnyak (pas-kud-nyak) a disgusting, revolting, dishonest, unscrupulous, corrupt person.