Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for March 25, 2010
Carmen: If you want to play with the cat, why don't you play something nice, like "house". Poncho: There's a stain on your shirt! How come you don't buy me flowers anymore? Carmen: Oh, that's supposed to be me, is it? Well....My name is Poncho! I'm afraid of tiny squirrels! I drag my butt on the carpet! Poncho: I lie about my age on phone surveys! Carmen: I eat used band-aids!
carmy almost 15 years ago
Run, Chazz, Run!! Nice ponytail, Poncho, I love the bow!
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
C’mon Poncho, light her up with some better ones!
Hillbillyman almost 15 years ago
Watch it Carman… the Guys in the white coats are on the way.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 15 years ago
With the net and the full deluxe strait jacket.
*Space Madness at The Station* almost 15 years ago
Olfarto almost 15 years ago
Chazz isn’t running - he suddenly felt the urge to go to the bar and get himself a strong drink.
cdward almost 15 years ago
First real LOL today! Yea, Poncho!
cfarmer almost 15 years ago
Today’s strip was awesome! Great job PG. And as always, the cat is indifferent to it all!
DarkHorseSki almost 15 years ago
Strips like this is why I keep moving Pooch Cafe toward the top of my daily rotation.
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Laugh out loud funny.
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Now if I was Chazz, I would have come in and given her a little pet and a scratch behind her ears.
harm1994 almost 15 years ago
O My the earthquake in chile did more than damage than first thought, there’s been a major shift in carmens axis….
chromosome Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Loachdriver almost 15 years ago
I read Poncho & Calvin and Hobbes last, as the chance of some other strip being better are remote.
rdh288 almost 15 years ago
This… Is… Amazing!!! I laughed for a good twenty or thirty seconds on this one.
markwalton almost 15 years ago
Hilarious! LOL (for real)!
billdi Premium Member almost 15 years ago
funniest pooch cafe ever imo
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
tcayer said, about 5 hours ago A smart man knows when to make a stealthy retreat… The cat STILL shows no interest!
Yes he does and it never will.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago
There are SO MANY disturbing implications that have got to be running through Chazz’s mind.
pierreandnicole almost 15 years ago
I can’t even enunciate the thought which popped into my head because it would have been bleeped.
mrFishy almost 15 years ago
that’s just bleeep disturbing, and yet i cant stop reading it
josephz2va about 8 years ago
Chass says “$&#@ that. Goodbye.”