Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for September 24, 2014
Rip Haywire: Your boss, the crooked Sheriff, where is he? Woman: Right here, amigo. Man: Ow! That was my good leg! So this is your bad leg? Where's the girl!? Woman: This gringo is too macho to ever give her up. Put him down! Rip Haywire: No wait... Woman: Muy macho! Rip Haywire: I was wrong. This leg hurts way more.
TheDOCTOR over 10 years ago
I kinda like the “Squinty-eyed Rip” has a ‘Mark Trail’ look. Besides that looks like Rip will have another ‘Chica’ after him with little *"Barnita Fife" What is it about Babes ’n Bullets thats so HOT?
johnrussco over 10 years ago
bust him Rip
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Come on Rip that was only a scratch.
StoicLion1973 over 10 years ago
Dan continues in his fine tradition of curvy women. The bandolier the Deputy is wearing helps accentuate her….bullets.
Sayman over 10 years ago
ewalnut over 10 years ago
What is up with Rip lately? He seems to have gotten awfully fragile.
quartermain over 10 years ago
Dan, you’ve created a brunette Veronica Lake, one eye showing. She’s a cutie like all of your femmes.
SkyFisher over 10 years ago
Somebody really needs to take that gun away from that sheriff. He keeps hurting people with it.
imbaldeagle over 10 years ago
Frame 7: OW, I bruised my heel on his wisdom teeth. Oh well, he wasn’t very smart anyway.