When going to The Barn website http://www.hagenstoons.com/ long ago, they had the contest of making a name for the sheepdog. I came up with Grégoire. Since The Barn is a Canadian comic strip and Canada speaks both French and English, the name Gregory means “watchman.” So sheepdogs are kind of like watchmen and HORATIO is Rory’s watchman.
carmy almost 15 years ago
Yes, it’s true, they really do! Yea Moms!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 15 years ago
* Yea, mom’s are like that!*
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Rory, you and Horatio make great buds! LOL
margueritem almost 15 years ago
Moms certainly do!
wndrwrthg almost 15 years ago
Dry: “They really are”.
alviebird almost 15 years ago
Old TV commercial: Moms are like that. Yeah, they are.
Now, what was the product?
lazygrazer almost 15 years ago
Wait a minute, Mr. Hagen—you had Rory calling “Horatio” by name yesterday.
Nice try, but you can’t pull the wool over OUR eyes.
Templo S.U.D. almost 15 years ago
When going to The Barn website http://www.hagenstoons.com/ long ago, they had the contest of making a name for the sheepdog. I came up with Grégoire. Since The Barn is a Canadian comic strip and Canada speaks both French and English, the name Gregory means “watchman.” So sheepdogs are kind of like watchmen and HORATIO is Rory’s watchman.
AddADadaAdDad almost 15 years ago
Rory, with your short term memory loss how would you know if he told you his name?
Trainwreck_1 almost 15 years ago
I guess Ralph Hagen changed more than just his clocks on Saturday
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Rory is such a happy little sheep. Is this a repeat?
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 15 years ago
@cleokaya: No. As for the strip, I like it when a strip doesn’t need a punch line to make you feel good.
kirbey almost 15 years ago
I think Sunday strips are done in advance of the daily ??? I noticed Horatio’s name too !
I so agree Josh 1360
kirbey almost 15 years ago
also… Rory’s hair grew in fast … so happy to see the stray curly hair !
Coyoty Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Assuming Sunday’s strip takes place after this one, I wonder what will happen in the next few months to turn Horatio blue.