Close to Home by John McPherson for March 25, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    It blends in quite well

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  2. Macaw1
    parethed  almost 15 years ago

    “Art” like that all looks pretty much the same to me
what’s the point?

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  3. Missing large
    showdown  almost 15 years ago

    now thats funny

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  4. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    entirely possible, if done on canvas and framed

    this is considered ‘genius’ art:

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  5. Frog4
    Digital Frog  almost 15 years ago

    My brother and I used to joke about doing that at university when all the junk from the art students would go on display.

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  6. Mer rover small 02
    treBsdrawkcaB  almost 15 years ago

    Joe-Allen “Joe” Dotysaid, about 8 hours ago

    Guard # 1, apparently, your kid never had an art lesson.


    The guy with the Science degree asks, “Why does it do that?”. The guy with the Engineering degree asks, “How does it do that?”. The guy with the Accounting degree asks, “How much does it cost when it does that?”. The guy with the “Arts” degree asks, “Do you want fries with that?”.


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  7. Missing large
    lunatic03867  almost 15 years ago

    Reminds me of the “My 4 year old can do this” bit that was on the news a while ago.

    This guy saw these paintings going for hundreds of thousands of dollars that looked just likethe splatters his 4 year old daughter was doing. He had her make a bunch that he then sold. People didn’t believe his kid did them, even when he showed the vidoetapes.

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  8. 061
    pawpawbear  almost 15 years ago

    I repeat myself, but, I don’t know much about art but I know what I like. Does that make me a Cretin?

    Also, instead of objective, I think you meant subjective. Objective is about realism. Subjective is about feelings and abstract is certainly not real.

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  9. Bambi by brunamf
    Jascat  almost 15 years ago

    OMG what was I thinking?! I could have sold my kids’ doodles and made a bundle! lol

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  10. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  almost 15 years ago

    Remember that time when the paint can slipped from the top of the ladder and splattered the wall
. yup, that was probably $1million work of art. :-D

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  11. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    I’ve seen monkeys and elephants produce better art than some of the stuff in the galleries. It sells for quite a bit too.

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  12. 11949866521635593993mountain dulcimer terry 1    copy
    rw1h  almost 15 years ago

    I know I don’t see any distinction


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  13. Doris day
    k_sera  almost 15 years ago

    I just read about a 3-year-old girl who had a show of her photographs at a restaurant. Of course, her parents are professional photographers, so they were the ones with all the connections to arrange it.

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  14. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  almost 15 years ago

    k_sera: You read the SF Chronicle also?

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