maybe just some giblets.
If it’s a game series, it would now be called Thanksgiving Turkey Farmer 2015: Zombie Turkey Revenge! Available on all systems.
The extra character that you unlock is Lizzy Borden.
If there was a zombie apocalypse would also effect the animal too in every movie and tv show I have seen it just effect the humans.
His remote looks worse than a Nintendo 64 remote; how’s that even possible?
“Whee, they’re having fun now!”.Wait, I should say “Wii, they’re having fun now!”
Rated “M” for mild, Mom!
What a horrible game.
Bill Amend
FoxTrot en Espanol
nosirrom over 10 years ago
maybe just some giblets.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 10 years ago
If it’s a game series, it would now be called Thanksgiving Turkey Farmer 2015: Zombie Turkey Revenge! Available on all systems.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
The extra character that you unlock is Lizzy Borden.
pdeason2 over 10 years ago
If there was a zombie apocalypse would also effect the animal too in every movie and tv show I have seen it just effect the humans.
Cowboyben123 over 10 years ago
His remote looks worse than a Nintendo 64 remote; how’s that even possible?
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
“Whee, they’re having fun now!”.Wait, I should say “Wii, they’re having fun now!”
Dirty Dragon over 10 years ago
Rated “M” for mild, Mom!
Wallaby over 10 years ago
What a horrible game.