I can understand why the woman feels that way. Broken merchandise means no sails. Though I would not have a boutique in a auto shop. The smell of oil not great.
I think Slim should encourage this rather uppity woman to hire the “fix-it” team of Joel and Rufus to help her! That would be a good comeuppance for her attitude, and would allow for a riotous fun time to boot!
PicaraJustina over 10 years ago
Last panel reminds me of Dustin Hoffman and Mrs. Robinson.
hsawlrae over 10 years ago
Coming closer to ‘End of Lease’?
pelican47 over 10 years ago
Slim, if Giacomo breaks it, you buy it…
OldManMountain over 10 years ago
Says the woman who opened a boutique in the wash bay of a service station!
kab2rb over 10 years ago
I can understand why the woman feels that way. Broken merchandise means no sails. Though I would not have a boutique in a auto shop. The smell of oil not great.
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
Slim knows that Giacomo doesn’t belong in a boutique, Lady, so stop your bossiness, please.
Pipe Tobacco over 10 years ago
I think Slim should encourage this rather uppity woman to hire the “fix-it” team of Joel and Rufus to help her! That would be a good comeuppance for her attitude, and would allow for a riotous fun time to boot!