Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for November 02, 2014
Clayton: Sigh. I miss Halloween. Katy: I hear you. Clayton: The costumes. The tricking. And don't even get me started on the treating! Katy: Oh, I know! You're preaching to the choir! Clayton: More Holidays should celebrate monsters. Katy: Hear, hear. Clayton: I mean, I love Christmas but it'd be even cooler with zombie reindeer. Katy: Ooh. Clayton: "Undead Rudolph with your flesh so green..." Katy: "Won't you please not eat my spleen!"
King_Shark over 10 years ago
Ahhh! Winky’s spleen!
cdward over 10 years ago
Their favorite movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Dobie Takahama over 10 years ago
Maybe they should listen to “The Night Santa Went Crazy” By Weird Al.
ladykat Premium Member over 10 years ago
Grandma got run over by a zomdeer, coming home from our house Christmas eve…
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member over 10 years ago
But there is always: Redolf the rude-nosed reindeer*Had a very naughty nose,And if you ever saw itYou would blush down to your toes.All of the other reindeerTeased till he broke out in hives,They wouldn’t let poor RedolfAnywhere near their reindeer wives! Then one censored Christmas EveSanta came to say:“Redolf, with your nose so rude,“Won’t you shock this dreadful Prude?”Then all the reindeer tolerated him,And they shouted “Out with Glee!“We don’t think that programme“Should be on Reindeer TV!!”**_____________________________________
Thank goodness we don’t have a picture.skyriderwest over 10 years ago
My neighbor answered the door on Hallowe’en night wearing a Santa suit. I should explain, even without the suit, he looks like a traditional Santa – overly large with white hair and full white beard. Anyway, it confused many of the kids.
P51Strega over 10 years ago
Well if frosty’s not one of the undead then what is he?
whiteaj over 10 years ago
Might as well. Christmas has suffered every other indignity possible.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
I am sure everyone who is not living under a rock knows Rudolf was created as a marketing gimmick for Montgomery Wards and the story was distributed as a coloring book for kids..Interesting side note, Rudolf flourished and is still tops on many folk’s minds; Wards not so much…
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
“Frosty the Zombie” these comments sleigh me.
Sheila Hardie over 10 years ago
Ok, I want lyrics to the rest of that song on my desk by tomorrow morning. Gogo!