Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for October 16, 2014
Salesman: So once you buy the skates, they heat-mold them to your feet for your comfort. Adam: I wonder if they could do that with sweatpants. I wonder, do you... Salesman: I'm sorry, sir. It's not company policy to do heat-form sweatpants, tank tops or bike shorts.
ladykat Premium Member over 10 years ago
Is that so if your feet grow during the season the skates are no good?
cdward over 10 years ago
Heat molded? Wow, going high end, eh? Granted, it’s been a year since I bought skates, but that’s not the cheap stuff.
BRONCO1983 over 10 years ago
Such a waste of $$.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
1) Heat-Mold Matthew McConaughey.2) Put on Heat-Mold.3) Fight off chicks with a stick(Oops! Forgot to bring the stick!)
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
I think the shoes and clothing suggested in the second “Back to the Future” was a better idea…