Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for September 28, 2014
Phoebe: They're making a "Pastel Unicorns" movie! It says so right here! I can't wait to see all my favorites galloping across the screen! Marigold: It says the movie "contains no galloping." Two minutes in, the unicorns become human, and enroll in Popular High School. The title is "Pastel Unicorns: Skinny Pretty Non-Unicorns." Phoebe: But... to play that, I'd need to get mom and dad to buy me an entirely NEW set of... Adults are just messing with me, aren't they? Marigold: So are unicorns! It is just subtler.
DrForester over 10 years ago
Neo Stryder over 10 years ago
I like the movie, but mainly to make jokes of it.
scyphi26 over 10 years ago
Basically Equestria Girls in a nutshell.
puddleglum1066 over 10 years ago
I remember an old, old Disney film about the life of a Kentucky thoroughbred. Lots of slow-motion galloping. So much that at one point the narrator says, “thoroughbreds like to run in slow motion because it makes them look so good.” Does the same apply to unicorns?
Hag5000 over 10 years ago
It’s capitalism Phoebe.
kaykeyser over 10 years ago
now I want to see Dana draw rock band unicorns.
fuzzybritches over 10 years ago
the purple one in the second frame . . . who does that remind us of!
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Sorry Phoebe.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
I don’t mind the reruns.I’ll take what Dana gives.It’s not my place to judge.Those that are, are acting like trolls.
Simon_Jester over 10 years ago
Then I guess you don’t want to hear that M Night Shymalan is directing
SherlockBoy over 10 years ago
Lol Equestria Girls! I laughed when she mentioned the humans part. I wondered if that was the direction it was taking!
super29392 over 9 years ago
They have a equestria girls sequal and gave hints to a 3rd.