I hear that beer goes well with puppies….
6-pack and pup…..7 course meal for Leopold.
Teeth: Oh, I trust you, Mister Spike.
Buffy: [Interrupting] Oh god, what is it with you guys? Why kittens? Why can’t you just use money like everybody else? -Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Leopold, if you’re willing to get the beer, you are indeed a friend in need.
Raw puppies? Disgusting, yuck!
October 24, 2014
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
I hear that beer goes well with puppies….
Hedgehog over 10 years ago
6-pack and pup…..7 course meal for Leopold.
that_jedi_girl over 10 years ago
Teeth: Oh, I trust you, Mister Spike.
Buffy: [Interrupting] Oh god, what is it with you guys? Why kittens? Why can’t you just use money like everybody else? -Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Arianne over 10 years ago
Leopold, if you’re willing to get the beer, you are indeed a friend in need.
Ambydextrous over 10 years ago
Raw puppies? Disgusting, yuck!