One time I was photographing tombstones in a small country cemetery for a genealogy project I was working on and a car pulled up and the driver copied down my car’s license number. Perhaps there had been some vandalism problems.
This really does happen. I work as a sub, and I’ve lost count of the number of times parents have confronted me in the parking lot to ask what I’m doing there. I drive a ‘96 Camry with a ’Go Giants!’ and a Union of Concerned Scientists bumper stickers on the back. I also used to have a Rancid sticker on the trunk as well, but a zealous car washer got rid of that.
katzenbooks45 over 10 years ago
He STILL hasn’t gotten that thing painted?
reedkomicks Premium Member over 10 years ago
Forget it. He’ll never get past the mom squad.
Retired Dude over 10 years ago
One time I was photographing tombstones in a small country cemetery for a genealogy project I was working on and a car pulled up and the driver copied down my car’s license number. Perhaps there had been some vandalism problems.
Mike Parsons Premium Member over 10 years ago
Have we not milked this joke enough yet? A can o’ spray paint costs $5…Love this strip otherwise!
ehtaniguchi over 10 years ago
This really does happen. I work as a sub, and I’ve lost count of the number of times parents have confronted me in the parking lot to ask what I’m doing there. I drive a ‘96 Camry with a ’Go Giants!’ and a Union of Concerned Scientists bumper stickers on the back. I also used to have a Rancid sticker on the trunk as well, but a zealous car washer got rid of that.
3hourtour Premium Member over 10 years ago
..I think it’s the beard that scared her…
lemon868 over 10 years ago
Some spray paint could make it the “Mordor” mobile, maybe that would be less creepy.