For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for November 07, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Well, look at it this way, Elly, you’re not going to be bored ! ;)

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 10 years ago

    Wait, what about Thursdays?

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    She Mc  over 10 years ago

    yep, it was a bit like that in our house!!!

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    Aaberon  over 10 years ago

    My mother stood on the back porch and yelled up the alley to my best friend’s house (across the next street). Thinking back: I wonder if there were noise ordinances on the books back then.

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    Aaberon  over 10 years ago

    Does anyone here remember the days when there was only white (pre-pastel colored) sidewalk chalk for hop scotch? Does anyone even remember how to hop scotch? (Bet I can find that on Youtube.)

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    Mumblix Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Lynn’s Notes:

    In North Bay, we had access to some great sports facilities, so the kids were soon skating, swimming, and playing hockey. My car was on the road constantly — ferrying them to the rink or the “Y,” or wherever the game was to be, and I had a rule: four trips only. I would only drive into town four times in a day. This was met with some confusion, as I had counted each way, there and back, as separate trips! The rule was then changed to eight trips. AAAUGH!

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    fidgetkitty  over 10 years ago

    Thursday will be your chance to thaw out!

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    Guilty Bystander  over 10 years ago

    Welcome to the world of Hockey Moms, Elly. Just pray Mike’s schedule doesn’t include 6AM practices, which does happen. He left out the games on Saturdays and Sundays, too. When you’ve got a kid who skates, EVERY night is Hockey Night in Canada (minus Don Cherry upbraiding Euros at the rink).

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    summerdog86  over 10 years ago

    Well, she had better invest in a nice, luxury set of winter underwear to wear to practice. Something comfortable…warm…expensive.

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    hippogriff  over 10 years ago

    Night-Gaunt49: comicsssfan thinks everyone but him live a life of luxury with perfect schools and families..Four trips to town probably involves four trips back home.

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    She Mc  over 10 years ago

    For me, waaay before that!

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    GloMama  over 10 years ago

    I remember back in the 50ties… Hopscotch, Kickball, Pickup sticks and 4 square… A long time ago.

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    platechick  over 10 years ago

    I was a single working mom so my daughter had to go to YMCA after school program to do homework until I picked her up and we were both exhausted.

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  14. Cathy aack Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yup — I could have seen my Mom (who didn’t even drive) mommyvanning me to sports, dance, or any of the other extra-curricular activities kids are expected to participate in today.

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    Argythree  over 10 years ago

    God doesn’t have anything to do with Elly-haters, charm school drop out.-Of course, if this ’toon had been about John confessing to exhaustion at the idea of dedicating every minute of his time to driving his kids to games, you would have yawp-yawped about how spoiled the children are.

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    hippogriff  over 10 years ago

    howtheduck: There were “church softball and basketball leagues” in the ’40s, but few had uniforms, and none had practice outside of sandlot games, nor overbearing coaches.

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