Nate: Okay, Artur, your job today is to report on today's massive food fight.
Artur: Food fight?
Artur: But... I am not see any food fight.
Nate: And take lost of pictures.
I start to read the comic, and then the ad shifts everything to the right. This is the worst web design ever. I know that ads are necessary. But put the ad first, then the comic. So that our eyes aren’t reading a word that is snatched away.
Comisftw about 10 years ago
Making his own news.At least they aren’t making stuff up.
jmarkoff2 about 10 years ago
Hearst said “You provide the pictures, I’ll provide the war.”
joe19 about 10 years ago
I start to read the comic, and then the ad shifts everything to the right. This is the worst web design ever. I know that ads are necessary. But put the ad first, then the comic. So that our eyes aren’t reading a word that is snatched away.
jwondga about 10 years ago
I saw Jake Gyllenhaal’s “Nightcrawler” this weekend.
Eerily similar.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Gina’s headline will be Food fight started by Cub reporter. More to follow after detention.
549j2 about 10 years ago
no wonder nate is not teachers pet!
Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago
Have fun getting detention Nate.
Jim Kerner about 10 years ago
So, that’s how Rupert Murdock got started.
BIGNATE#EPIC281 over 8 years ago
Well,as long as you aren’t making the stuff up!
nwebb1212 over 8 years ago
Watch and learn, Artur
Thunder almost 5 years ago
RIP Nate’s Sandwich
Frost almost 4 years ago
HA over 2 years ago
Da Cat Guy almost 2 years ago
I do not understand why Peirce thinks kids do this! I have been to four different schools and I never saw anything like this!
GaspingCat over 1 year ago
Is it wierd that I find Mr. Pierce’s way of drawing food appetizing?
STUFF ENJOYER about 1 year ago
I like how casual Nate is about it.