I see a bit of Dakota in Felicia, especially in panel 3.
That ‘good-hair’ process makes Felicia look more like a sheep-DOG than a sheep
I have to say that I think Felicia is cute, for an anthropomorphic sheep. It’s such a shame she has such an unpleasant attitude.
Dana Simpson
October 18, 2013
mr_sherman Premium Member over 10 years ago
I see a bit of Dakota in Felicia, especially in panel 3.
Simon_Jester over 10 years ago
That ‘good-hair’ process makes Felicia look more like a sheep-DOG than a sheep
cwizard71 over 10 years ago
I have to say that I think Felicia is cute, for an anthropomorphic sheep. It’s such a shame she has such an unpleasant attitude.