I can use an arcane set of stick figure icons to launch any program, just by invoking them in the correct order! What’s more, I can program a computer to do anything, just by invoking those same symbols in the correct order, using an interface called a “compiler”.
Ida No over 10 years ago
I call it iMicro!
emptc12 over 10 years ago
See Isaac Asimov, “The Feeling of Power.”.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Feeling_of_Power
Coyoty Premium Member over 10 years ago
“I can move objects with my mind!”
“You’re using your hands.”
“Which I control with my mind!”
Stephen Gilberg over 10 years ago
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago
I can use an arcane set of stick figure icons to launch any program, just by invoking them in the correct order! What’s more, I can program a computer to do anything, just by invoking those same symbols in the correct order, using an interface called a “compiler”.