Eddie: Is it true that the Republicans are mad at President Obama for the "latte salute"? Because he didn't put down his coffee when he saluted the marines at his helicopter? Cuco: No. It's because when Obama saluted, his coffee was also too black.
krayziehustler Premium Member over 10 years ago
indiethink, why do you keep coming here everyday? You clearly do not get his point of view and are not the target demographic for this strip.
57-Don over 10 years ago
eloquently stated Lalo
echoraven over 10 years ago
When you’ve got nothing else, pull out the race card…
bobdingus over 10 years ago
The question is, why do you bother? Do you think a single person has changed their viewpoint because of anything you’ve written here?
dzw3030 over 10 years ago
NG, you keep holding up a card that shouts,“I hate all conservatives” and wonder why you get push back. You’ve lost some perspective here.
Ironhold over 10 years ago
Anyway – []Remember that “Book of Life” opens in some theatres tonight and nation-wide tomorrow.
tallguy98366 over 10 years ago
Obama was the first president in history denied the right to spak to congress. Obama was called a liar during a State of the Union speech. Pics with a bone in his nose, watermelons on the White House lawn. Shame on the Republican party. Their racism has been a black spot on this nations history and we should all be ashamed. I’m a 63 yo white guy, by the way.
agrestic over 10 years ago
No Lalo just turning over the card the Republicans have been playing since 2010. Showing that it is the race card all along. Again ignoring the message to attack the messenger.
Nicely stated.
redjeedog over 10 years ago
Yea its all about race… has nothing to do with obomas total disrespect for the military. Lalo you R a racebater.
agrestic over 10 years ago
That was Reagan that started that back in the 1980’s.
Gasp! Surely not the Reagan, the saint of all that is holy and conservative?!?
LOWRIDER84 about 10 years ago
Now that’s just silly.That petulant, whiny, hen-pecked President wouldn’t drink anything as manly as black coffee. It was probably mostly milk.