As a former dog groomer, I could not agree more! When I had to groom a very large male, St.Bernard, it was all hands on deck! We always were careful not to linger too long near his mouth…he wasn’t a biter, just a sloppy kisser!
That must be a very distorted view if LD could mistake a St. Bernard for a Greyhound. Even the most adept Photoshop user might be hard put to pull that one off.
ellisaana Premium Member over 10 years ago
At least LDL didn’t choose a poodle cut.
GROG Premium Member over 10 years ago
Yes, a poodle cut would be too much.
JP Steve Premium Member over 10 years ago
The Golden Gate Bridge of dogs!
dogday Premium Member over 10 years ago
Thank you, Steve, for pointing out the folly of trying to look like someone you’re not instead of being the best YOU, of whom there is only ONE!
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 10 years ago
As a former dog groomer, I could not agree more! When I had to groom a very large male, St.Bernard, it was all hands on deck! We always were careful not to linger too long near his mouth…he wasn’t a biter, just a sloppy kisser!
The Rolling Cat about 10 years ago
That must be a very distorted view if LD could mistake a St. Bernard for a Greyhound. Even the most adept Photoshop user might be hard put to pull that one off.