This may have been a jab at our society, but it is true. A cell is a cell by any name for the once young prisoner that leaves prison on parole in the later years for a “retirement” home.
What’s being said about prisons is just untrue!!!! I have a friend who managed to survive 5 years in a state prison. I don’t know where these ideas about prison come from, but it’s a shame that they are just taken as a truth, and never looked into. Let’s tell an untruth and then dress the character in a “patriotic” costume. I guess that makes spreading untruths okay. Aunty Acid and Mallard Fillmore should get together. I’m sure their offspring would grow up to become the police who shoot unarmed citizens, or maybe CIA agents who use torture that is outlawed by international law. See you later, Auntie!!!
California prisons are no vacation. Internet access? What drivel! No gyms, no libraries, tiny cells housing 4 times as many people as they were intended. Two meals a day – if you consider a cold bologna sandwich a meal. It takes months to see a doctor. Tell your lies often enough, Aunty, and some will believe you.
Rista about 10 years ago
Ah! Now that’s a platform I can vote for.
ladykat about 10 years ago
As would I. It’s unfortunate that it is true.
Jonni about 10 years ago
This may have been a jab at our society, but it is true. A cell is a cell by any name for the once young prisoner that leaves prison on parole in the later years for a “retirement” home.
What? Me worried ? about 10 years ago
Gee could we print the toon a little smaller . I mean, it is so HUGE !
Richard Amidei about 10 years ago
Living in the USA.
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 10 years ago
It’s crazy…administrators at nursing homes will tell you they (the facility) aren’t getting rich..“we’re covering our bills.”
CeeJay about 10 years ago
What’s being said about prisons is just untrue!!!! I have a friend who managed to survive 5 years in a state prison. I don’t know where these ideas about prison come from, but it’s a shame that they are just taken as a truth, and never looked into. Let’s tell an untruth and then dress the character in a “patriotic” costume. I guess that makes spreading untruths okay. Aunty Acid and Mallard Fillmore should get together. I’m sure their offspring would grow up to become the police who shoot unarmed citizens, or maybe CIA agents who use torture that is outlawed by international law. See you later, Auntie!!!
Savagedeer Premium Member about 10 years ago
California prisons are no vacation. Internet access? What drivel! No gyms, no libraries, tiny cells housing 4 times as many people as they were intended. Two meals a day – if you consider a cold bologna sandwich a meal. It takes months to see a doctor. Tell your lies often enough, Aunty, and some will believe you.
gaslightguy about 10 years ago
Sad, but true.
FreyjaRN Premium Member about 10 years ago
Too true to be funny.
Dragoncat about 10 years ago
She’s got my vote.