But, all I want is to be treated the same as the homeless and the people who otherwise are too lazy or helpless to get a job and pay for it themselves. Where’s my free ride? Where’s my equality?? Relax! I know the answer! You pay for it yourself just one time and you make the “sucker list” to be screwed forever!
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Now you can only afford the essentials; chardonnay, chocolate, and coffee.
ladykat almost 10 years ago
I know the feeling…Oh lordy, do I know the feeling.
Sweetaddietude Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Is there any other way ???
Observer fo Irony almost 10 years ago
I tried to do that once then I found that my accounts were raped by the state for underpaid tax debt.
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 10 years ago
Trying to tell us that you’re paying for a case of bilberry vodka?
srray almost 10 years ago
Hallelujah Sister! I feel ya on that….
Ol Skool almost 10 years ago
i’m so broke i can’t afford a free phone call
Mr. Ed almost 10 years ago
But, all I want is to be treated the same as the homeless and the people who otherwise are too lazy or helpless to get a job and pay for it themselves. Where’s my free ride? Where’s my equality?? Relax! I know the answer! You pay for it yourself just one time and you make the “sucker list” to be screwed forever!