Uhh; it makes you look fat? —And orange and brown (coincidentally, the colors of an institution with which I was associated)….
Good morning fans. Halloween came early this year.
I think it’s cute!! Better than the Easter bunny! If you mean O..as in Oregon, I think the colors are black and orange.
Rock on!
November 06, 2015
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Uhh; it makes you look fat? —And orange and brown (coincidentally, the colors of an institution with which I was associated)….
Starman1948 over 10 years ago
Good morning fans. Halloween came early this year.
Skylark over 10 years ago
I think it’s cute!! Better than the Easter bunny! If you mean O..as in Oregon, I think the colors are black and orange.
danketaz Premium Member about 4 years ago
Rock on!