Freshly Squeezed by Ed Stein for August 03, 2017

  1. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 7 years ago

    Have you noticed that those athletes’ bosses have zero loyalty to THEM? Or to the fans. “Give me a shiny new stadium that I don’t have to pay for, or I’ll move to a new city.”

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  2. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    Starting in 1970 the rise in worker pay stopped. after over a century of rising through good times and bad it stopped. Why? Several factors. One are the introduction of computers and robotics. Another is the start of moving jobs offshore to places that pay very little in small economy countries like Mexico and Bangladesh. A new ethos was rising in business to go after not just profit——but ultimate profit, even to making lesser products and freezing raises and over all reduction of the entire US economy, itself. It has been going on since that time. The death of the Middle Class, a murder really, started with Ronald Wilson Reagan and the re-introduction of the “supply side economics” which as it was called by its detractors the first time around in 1920 as “trickle down” only nothing ever gets to the worker’s level. And from 1920 – 1929 the economy roared for a few then it collapsed from its own weight bringing us the Great Depression. Then we moved away from it until 1980 and we never have left it today. Giving us several selective depressions and economy contractions. After the 1987 one by 1991 the economy shrank. And in so doing the numbers are recalibrated and made to look better. As if that would change how people were feeling losing jobs and after 6 months not counted at all. That one came later under William Jefferson Clinton, a Conservative Democrat who in changing how the unemployed and under employed are counted you get much better numbers like now. 4% instead 14% and more if you count those working full time jobs and still not making enough. Both parties are involved in this relatively simple cover up.

    The massive move of wealth from the rest of us to the top 10%, especially to the 1% and even more to the 0.01% starting in 2009 with that selective recovery 95% went to the top, not the rest of us as it should have. A certain number, I don’t know how many of the Plutocrats want a govt by and for them.

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