Tom Toles for April 05, 2010

  1. Dsc 0519
    srauland  over 14 years ago

    Wow, Toles in color!

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  2. Missing large
    jaxaction  over 14 years ago

    yeah color!!! O is lQQKin for “clean”coal under that dirt….he may find the 20 trillion reagan hid when he was in the whyte house.

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  3. Tom13
    tomcib  over 14 years ago

    What’s up with the color ‘toon? Its been a while, so its time to say: FLAT TAX!!! I’m not quite sure how taxing airless tires will do anything, but a bunch of folks are keen on it. Cheers!

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  4. Ishikawa  gun
    AdmNaismith  over 14 years ago

    Obama needs to stop with all of ‘his’ ‘new’ ideas. Warming over the Bush II admin was not what we signed up for in electing Obama.

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  5. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Sooky Rottweiler says: (digging) never quite figured why nobody ever thought of using dogs in mines… (keeps digging)

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  6. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Ooo. Color.

    And that’s a cute Michelle. And we’re wearing the same hairstyle omg!

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  7. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  over 14 years ago

    Flat tax = regressive tax.

    Meanwhile, we waited too long. It’s over.

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  8. Barnegat2
    annamargaret1866  over 14 years ago

    Sooky, Isadora and Rebecca ask, are you sure you want to be so far underground that ore can be extracted?

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  9. Warcriminal
    WarBush  over 14 years ago

    ^Here we go again! No more tax talk unless you’re talking about rolling back the Reagan tax cuts!

    @Sooky probably the same reason they stopped sending canaries into mine shafts.

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  10. Warcriminal
    WarBush  over 14 years ago

    It used to be a good living Bruce. Not sure about today though.

    And lay off the roids!

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  11. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    A way to eliminate Gas and tires.

    Nase builds flying cars. Cars run on electricity.

    Electricity powered by windmills surround the shoreside states from wind blown by tides and open sea.

    Cost cut. Emission cuts. and instead of your live’in saying, “Get gas and make sure your tires are aired up”, can say, “Is your vehicle charged”.

    Less work, less cost, less pollution.

    (Edit) Why is Montana suited for a clean coal industry? With a demonstrated reserve base of 120 billion tons, Montana’s coal is, in liquid terms, over one quarter the size of the entire Middle East oil reserve–enough fuel to power every American car for decades. In Montana and across the West, if even a fraction of our reserves were developed and converted to liquid fuel, we could greatly reduce the oil we now import from unfriendly and unstable countries. Or, if we moved toward a gasification program for generating electric power with IGCC plants, we could substantially reduce emissions from the utility industry.

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  12. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  over 14 years ago


    What are you smoking, and may I have some?

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  13. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago

    I’m finishing up a biography of Ben Franklin (reading one, not writing one). He was certainly a self-made man (in more than one sense), and while he wasn’t a deep theoretical philosopher, he was an eminently practical one.

    While touring Ireland and Scotland in the 1760’s (at that time he wasn’t in favor of a clean break from Britain; he wanted the American colonies to have an equal standing under the Crown with the other united kingdoms), he was absolutely appalled by the abject poverty of the masses compared to the luxuries enjoyed by the propertied class. Nonetheless, he was distrustful of direct handouts, which he felt would lead to indolence. In that respect, his views had much in common with today’s conservatives.

    However, he also had as much contempt for the idle rich as for the idle poor, for the same reason. Wealth leads to indolence as surely as a public dole. In both the charter for Pennsylvania that he proposed early on, and his articles for American confederation later, he pushed heavily for laws preventing concentration of wealth and land in the hands of the few. While taxation of all citizens was necessary, he felt that the burden on those whose income was sufficient for moderate security for their families should be light, while taxation above that level should be heavy. In a 1784 letter, he wrote that a person had a “natural right” to all he earned that was necessary to support himself and his family, “but all property superfluous to such purposes is the property of the public, who by their laws have created it.”

    Franklin’s theories about raising the condition of the poor had much in common with what is now known as “trickle-down”, but he felt it should be driven by a thriving and industrious middle class, not by helping the rich get richer.

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  14. Missing large
    Magnaut  about 14 years ago

    getting down with the carrots and cabbage….how appropriate!

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  15. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 14 years ago

    Oh yeah Quinn? Here’s the result of Reaganonmics when he dropped the top tax rate on corporations:

    And the fair tax will only punish the middle class further and create a richer top 1% upper class.

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  16. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 14 years ago

    @Churchillisastupid@44: Stupid, lame, quite frankly OLD talking point used by every right winger so corporations avoid paying taxes. Also you must have missed reading the first three paragraphs where corporations pay little or nothing in taxes, but according to you that’s not important. You want to focus on the 35% tax part that NO BIG CORPORATION is paying! You know, that part mentioned in the very beginning. Red herring you old YENTA!

    “Let’s not tax big corporations so they can operate on a level playing field.” That would accomplish three things: One you shift the tax burden on the already shrinking middle class, two you effectively kill government, and three corporations will take the place of government since there will be no entity to tell them that they should operate in a fair and safe way.

    But you being an Anarchist (Libertarian) you have no problem with this.

    And stop bringing JFK into this conversation. Knowing you you probably didn’t even vote for the guy.

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  17. Mexico border
    TruthfulTheocracy  about 14 years ago

    Thank you señor Bush for posting that article. Now I know why we’re screwed.

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  18. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  about 14 years ago

    Now we know why the red parts of the country are nearly empty.

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  19. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 14 years ago

    @ChurchillIsStillaStupid@44 Okay genius (and I use the term loosely) if taxes are passed to the consumer then answer this: Before Reagun the tax rate was at 64% for corporations. If what you say is true then why didn’t the U.S. go into total ruin? I should point out that the 64% kicks in after the first few million are earned.

    The answer is you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    What the heritage foundation doesn’t tell you is that although markets will allow a certain increase in the price of a product for taxes there is a point where that is not an option. In short they are forced to absorb the taxes because if they increase prices further they lose customers. B.T.W. This is advanced economics. I can refer you to the text books if you’d like.

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  20. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 14 years ago


    First and foremost GOPHER check you material i.e. foot notes. The rest of my numbers are there in the form of excess taxes that are NOT included in the marginal tax rates. Also the IRS article does not list local and state taxes that add to those numbers. So please READ EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU OPEN A STUPID MOUTH!!!! This is the reason why you’re a republicant.

    Second spare me the formalities. Talking eloquently does not hide the fact that you are still a moron. The CBO numbers have concluded what I’ve been telling you the whole time: Corporations DO NOT PAY THE SAME AMOUNT OF TAXES IN AMERICA DESPITE WHAT’S WRITTEN IN PAPER. You can pull as many numbers as you want out of your @44 it still doesn’t change the fact that corporations (especially the trans-national type) are not paying the proper amount of taxes that they should be. To prove this there are sections in the CBO article pertaining to depreciation rules (U.S. having the most generous rules) and other tax deductions corporations use to avoid paying that 35% threshold you seem so fond of touting as iron law.

    So are you done or do you still want to continue professing your ignorance to the entire world? I’m not going to grad school so I can lose to some idiot who shoots amateur videos for a living.

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