The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for November 07, 2014
November 06, 2014
November 08, 2014
Man on right: My name is Franklin J. Hollewell 3, and my partner is Benjamin P. Witherspoon! We demand to be set free!
Caveman on right: Yum! I love Franks and Bens!
I hope the cannibal isn’t disappointed that they’re actually having Frank and Ben – unless of course they become Franks and Bens once you cut them up into lots of little pieces . . .
cheap_day_return about 10 years ago
Name dropper!
Bilan about 10 years ago
If he was a good chef, he would be making Benjamin Franklin Stew.
Toonerific about 10 years ago
You have to unwrap them first before you boil them.
jreckard about 10 years ago
You’ll be hearing from our attorneys!Yum! I love shark!
Manitobaman about 10 years ago
If they can’t free themselves they can at least give them some pea soup. A small victory but points for them all the same.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 10 years ago
(Insert “Beanie Weenie” joke here)
J Short about 10 years ago
Thurston’s cousin.
paullp Premium Member about 10 years ago
I hope the cannibal isn’t disappointed that they’re actually having Frank and Ben – unless of course they become Franks and Bens once you cut them up into lots of little pieces . . .
LingeeWhiz about 10 years ago
Franklin is Hollow and a Ben will wither your spoon.
Igo about 10 years ago
Bruno:Is that anything like Eskimo Pie?
likeballard about 10 years ago
Texasans are crazy