Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho for November 03, 2014

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    Chithing  over 10 years ago

    I think you’re doing it wrong.

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    Starman1948  over 10 years ago

    Good morning fans. We need a new storyline not more reruns. How about it Frank?

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  3. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member over 10 years ago

    …..ans so the door “busted HIM down”!!

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  4. 130 charalphonse
    topbunk  over 10 years ago

    Frank Cho stopped inking Liberty Meadows years ago. It will always be a rerun. Anyone can order all his books on Amazon if they want to see how Liberty Meadows began and have some continuity.

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    racerxyz  over 10 years ago

    Does anybody complaining about the reruns bother to read these comments or any other outside information about what’s going on with Mr. Cho?Come on, guys, the nice folks here have been patiently and politely repeating themselves. Please stop asking the same questions over and over, it’s really pretty disrespectful. Go read Wikipedia, it has the whole stories about Frank Cho, Liberty Meadows, Cho’s career and his work, and, again, please stop asking here.Thank you.

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    Greg Johnston  over 10 years ago

    Cho stopped doing LM back in 2001. There ain’t likely to be new strips.That said, it had a roughly 4.5 year run, but GoComics has been looping the same 5 months or so for around two years. It would be nice if they’d run the whole series.The strips can be viewed here:

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