Quincy is clearly related to my cat…she leaves most cords alone, but anything for an Apple product appears to be utterly irresistible. I’ve got some plastic casing I use now to protect the cables, but before I did that the toll was 2 MacBook power cords, and at least 4 or 5 iPhone cords.
OK, Mom, we don’t need to re-paint the kitchen. I’m tired of hearing about how you don’t like the color, or the paint near the stove is dis-colored, or the ceiling is chipped…
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
Excellent reason. (In the mean time, Jason, you really need to keep Quincy in his cage.)
jools_78 about 10 years ago
Quincy is clearly related to my cat…she leaves most cords alone, but anything for an Apple product appears to be utterly irresistible. I’ve got some plastic casing I use now to protect the cables, but before I did that the toll was 2 MacBook power cords, and at least 4 or 5 iPhone cords.
PunyParson about 10 years ago
Because Quincy chews, mom has to choose.
comeonbanana about 10 years ago
5th panel: Hey! why does this mouse smell funny?
Plumbob Wilson about 10 years ago
He’d probably taste like chicken.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 10 years ago
The pebble mouse. Why was I one of the few who was not bothered by it? I had one on my first iMac, and it was fine with me.
Doctor11 about 10 years ago
Can’t argue with that one, Andy.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
A mouse with buttons? Does the mouse wear a shirt… with buttons?.Obviously Jason is NOT a Mac gui…
neatslob Premium Member about 10 years ago
The round mouse was possibly Apple’s stupidest idea ever.
JP Steve Premium Member about 10 years ago
Macs are bad enough. Macs with that thing attached were an abomination!
comicsman47 about 10 years ago
OK, Mom, we don’t need to re-paint the kitchen. I’m tired of hearing about how you don’t like the color, or the paint near the stove is dis-colored, or the ceiling is chipped…