Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 29, 2014
Joanie: Baby, I don't know where to begin. How can I ever make up for what I've done? Joan: By telling me why, mom. Joanie: I don't know why, babe. I guess after ten years of being a wife and mother I still didn't know who I was. And I wasn't getting any help from your father. So one day I walked out the kitchen door and flagged down two passing college boys on a motorcycle. Joan: A motorcycle? Wow! What kind? Joanie: I dunno, honey. It was big. I was in a hurry. Joan: I'll bet it was a BMW! College men always ride BMWs!
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
For $3,800, you can get a 1972 R75/5.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“What kind?The kind with two wheels and a sidecar…but that’s not important right now.”
timothy shaffer Premium Member about 10 years ago
m98115 about 10 years ago
Nice illustration of what is considered important in a story being very dependent on the listener’s interests.
marshalldoc about 10 years ago
Vanpelt, yeah, it is kind of selfish… it’s called the ‘survival instinct’. Sometimes you’ve just got to do whatever’s necessary for your own survival as an individual rather than accept the annihilation of ego needed to continue in a destructive relationship. It’s akin to gnawing off the limb caught in a trap.
montessoriteacher about 10 years ago
This is an old literary theme. Did anyone ever read The Awakening?
Manga Enthusiast about 10 years ago
No one is mentioning the trauma that children go through not knowing one or both of their parents. Who brought JJ up in this comic strip?
mabrndt Premium Member about 10 years ago
If it was two college boys on a motorcycle, where would she sit? I guess they were on separate motorcycles. In a bad mood, because, without their best RB, the Gophers probably have no chance against the Badgers today.
SKJAM! Premium Member about 10 years ago
I am reminded of the alternative “happy ending” to “The Dollhouse” in which the wife who has realized that her marriage is a hollow sham that is destroying her soul—is convinced to stay anyway by her husband hauling out their kids and (paraphrasing) “think of the children!” .Ibsen did not like this ending, nor did anyone with an appreciation of dramatic consistency, but the conservatives who hated downer endings loved it.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 10 years ago
welcome to the fairy-tale world of Doonesbury.
whiteaj about 10 years ago
Me, me, me. It’s all about ME.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“Both Einstein & Rousseau did the same thing, left their families.”.Hope that was intended as an observation rather than a justification.Smart doesn’t exclude selfish
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
@mabrndtMaybe, they did it this way.
But, this is how the 3 rode on a motorcycle.
bhambaker about 10 years ago
R75s are gutless.
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
@Night-Gaunt49Smart people can commit immoral or amoral acts. In fact, good people in a moment of desperation can make amoral or immoral decisions.
kaffekup about 10 years ago
I’m sorry, that’s pretty weak tea as a justification: “Didn’t know who I was and he was no help.”It would be more convincing if she went toward something, rather than just away from her own kids.I know people do it, but millions more dream about it while fulfilling their responsibilities.
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
@DavidHuieGreenClinton Caucus — and whoever else helped raise Joanie, Jr. — must’ve done somethings right. J.J. is in Washington because she was accepted to Georgetown.
mabrndt Premium Member about 10 years ago
@leftwingpatriotWhen I replied to @JP Steve, your reply to me hadn’t been posted, even though it appears right before mine (we probably hit the SUBMIT button at roughly the same time). I wasn’t ignoring it, it just wasn’t there. Thanks for the 2nd link.P.S. If you’re wondering why I didn’t use the Reply button for this reply, it’s because something about your hyperlink use broke it. I used to see that behavior when I preceded the first one with exactly 17 characters. But, if my counting is right, you preceded yours with 19. So, this is a new one on me.
tonyc56 about 10 years ago