Bye grandma! Drive safely on the ride home! Yeah! It was really fun! We should get together more often! And thanks again for all the presents! Ok, gang... The coast is clear. We can all take off our hand knitted Christmas leg warmers now...
Varnes about 10 years ago
Why would you want to take them off?
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
Monty – its cold outside. Keep them on!. Grandma certainly was busy. And she is not shy about bright colours.
tonypezzano about 10 years ago
Spongebob Squarepants leg warmers. Wonder how old she thinks Monty is?
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
Shame, Monty! Granny’s leg warmers are fine! Since it’s probably cold outside and drafty inside, they seem to be very practical, not to mention colorful. Fleshy wears his well, and even if E.B. doesn’t really need leg warmers (‘cause he’s metal, you know), it’s a festive look. Keep the leg warmers!
Ratbrat about 10 years ago
One Christmas I made really goofy socks for everyone. I thought they would sort of chuckle, then throw them in a drawer never to be worn.I was wrong. They were worn until worn out. Apparently everyone’s feet were very happy and the socks caused them to smile a lot!I’ll have to do that again.
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
did you say smelled or smiled?
Johnnie Polo Premium Member about 10 years ago
Nice of Fleshy to play along.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
Hey Grandma, how about a pair for me?
mackenzie0158 about 10 years ago
Grannies always mean well. I wish my Grannies were still around to give me silly gifts.
Thehag about 10 years ago
Fleshy looks so cute in them! and he probably needs the extra insulation.