Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for November 17, 2014
UNICORN WITHDRAWAL, Stage 4: depression. Max: Why are you so down? Phoebe: Marigold's not around, and she's my best friend. Max: What does that make me? Phoebe: Best friend, subcategory "boy," #2 overall. Max: Girls are weird. Phoebe: Everybody's weird.
Linda Solomon about 10 years ago
Ms. Heavenly Nostrils, COME HOME! Please and thank you.
DDrazen about 10 years ago
Weird is as weird does, as Mama Gump would say.
kaykeyser about 10 years ago
2’s not bad and its not girls are weird, just Phoebe.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
That’s me.Subcategory.
Q4horse about 10 years ago
Can anyone identify the game they are playing? I see cards and polyhedral dice.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago
Agreed Max.
Trond Sätre Premium Member about 10 years ago
As Marigold would say, being second best friend after a UNICORN, is an honor
amartinchatt about 10 years ago
I used to put my friends and enemies into categories, and I tried to get them all at an even five count.
That being said, I didn’t interact with girls. If this comic is accurate, that kid is only talking to her because he has a secret crush on her.
Lady Kitten over 2 years ago
I am weird and I love it for one, I am proud of my weirdness.
Are2Dee2 10 months ago
I like this one.