Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for December 06, 2014

  1. Be7
    Miny Boy  over 10 years ago

    you have a 0% approval rating, that’s an improvement over last month!

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  2. Missing large
    Argythree  over 10 years ago

    Why would a dictator even care about poll numbers?

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  3. Missing large
    Argythree  over 10 years ago

    Not so much….

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  4. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Time to buy Jager stock.

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  5. Picture 001
    rshive  over 10 years ago

    The Fink cares about poll numbers?

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  6. Roflmao
    What? Me worried ?  over 10 years ago

    “Here’s your jager meister "! hahahaha

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  7. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 10 years ago

    Since the first term would be 5!,the second being 4! Etc. With all being part of the product(5!)!.And that implies the concept of 5!!! as ((5!)!)!

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    neverenoughgold  over 10 years ago

    I thought his kingdom was in England. Is it now spreading into Poland?

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  9. Jolie album
    brklnbern  over 10 years ago

    Just ignore the polls like Obama.

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