Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for January 17, 2015

  1. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. Last night I went to the English Library in Merida. On the 3rd Friday of the month they have a cocktail party. The patio was crowded with English-speaking people living or visiting Merida.

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  about 10 years ago

    Morning, Village!

    I took a King Cake to lodge the other night. Ah, man, was it good! Too bad Epiphany only comes once a year!

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  3. My boys
    woodworker318  about 10 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.Another cold, sunny day today.Will be going to our granddaughter’s 20th birthday party. Hard to realize that she is the youngest of the grandchildren.

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  4. Large 82430262 10216515107971643 3814164652313542656 n
    Dkram  about 10 years ago

    Howdy Vagabonds..Hooray it’s the weekend, minus 13 degrees in the great outdoors..To answer your Question Arye if you put a – in front of what you want to cross out and at the end- when you post your comment everything between will be crossed out..Lets name some movies:.!. This movie is about the greatest event of the 20th century..2, This one has big worms and one crazy nut in Perfection, UT..3. When a robot becomes self aware things get interesting..4. If you are able to do a thing, doesn’t necessarily mean you should do it, especially when Dinosaurs are involved..Feel free to research..Lets all have a good weekend..ttfn

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  5. Large 82430262 10216515107971643 3814164652313542656 n
    Dkram  about 10 years ago

    Huh. Arye, it didn’t work this time!?.ttfn

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  6. Rick
    davidf42  about 10 years ago

    My guesses – 1. Apollo 112. Tremors3. Gog4. Jurastic Park

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  7. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  about 10 years ago

    My guesses to Mark:1. The Birth of Rita2. Gardeners Book of Soil Perfection3. The Glass Bottom Boat4. Mysterious Island

    Good Morning, Vagabonds……….

    You can see I didn’t have a clue, Mark! (except Jurassic Park)

    It got up to 45 yesterday! Snow is melting, I can walk on our walkways and decks! Hurray! The air is sooooooooooo fresh!

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  8. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    My guesses (with no reasearch):1) The Longest Day (I guess it depends on what we consider the “greatest” even of the 20th century)2) Tremors (but it was Perfection, NV not UT)3) Short Circuit4) Jurassic Park

    I absolutely love the Tremors movies, mostly because they are so silly. I’ve always liked Michael Gross (who was in all three) and Fred Ward (two). The original was the first time I had seen Reba McIntyre act, and she did a credible job. And of course there’s Kevin Bacon, he of the “6 degrees of…..”

    Again with the mid-fifties at the moment, headed up to low sixties. It’s getting monotonous.

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  9. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 10 years ago

    @Dkram: What didn’t work this time? If I mentioned cocktail party, I still kept my no-alcohol promise and only had a soda.

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  10. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. Yesterday, I did too much walking. I came home so worn out; next time I’ll use my rollator. During my walk I saw a street artist and photographed a woman making tortillas in a restaurant.

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  11. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 10 years ago

    @DAVID:, I have friends here in Merida who have a daughter who lives in Glen Rose, Texas. Is that anywhere near you?

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  12. Rick
    davidf42  about 10 years ago

    Morning, Village!

    No, it’s up yonder close to Ft. Worth.

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  13. Large 82430262 10216515107971643 3814164652313542656 n
    Dkram  about 10 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds..13 above and warming up. Weatherman says rain however..Nicely done Jan, you aced it. I wasn’t sure if the descriptions Would make seance.I got mucksted up about the state in “Tremors”, there is a fourth movie in the “Tremors” series, “The Legend Begins” also staring Michael Gross..Arye, you asked how I crossed out a word in my post the other day, when I tried to demo it, it didn’t work..I’ll try again.Happy day everyone..ttfn

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  14. My boys
    woodworker318  about 10 years ago

    It worked but why do you need to cross it out? All you have to do is back space to erase it.

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  15. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  about 10 years ago

    Good Morning, Vagabonds,

    42 yesterday, and it got down to 34 during the night! Love it!

    Watched a favorite last night………..The Princess Diaries with Julie Andrews, Anne Hathaway and Hector Elizondo. I guess Julie is my all time favorite actress, and in the next movie, she actually sings (this was after her bad surgery), so it, too, is a favorite movie. Anne Hathaway is so very talented, as we all see in her current films. And, Hector Elizondo “plays” himself……a very gentle man. Love that guy!

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  16. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    I posted a reply once already today, but it disappeared. Oh well.

    It’s 60 degrees outside at around noon and there are hopes for a couple more degrees.

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