Man in green shirt: Oh wait...just the windshield? No wonder it was such a good deal.
F- for false advertising.
I had a similar problem in the Sears Mens department:$39.95 just for the price tag!!
I always thought the Windshield was in the front ?
Reminds me of Stephan Wright’s joke about always failing to be able to buy that divider thing that separates your groceries from the other persons’.
hahahaha XD
November 07, 2013
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
F- for false advertising.
Leroy about 10 years ago
I had a similar problem in the Sears Mens department:$39.95 just for the price tag!!
Budman 2 about 10 years ago
I always thought the Windshield was in the front ?
NoCents about 10 years ago
Reminds me of Stephan Wright’s joke about always failing to be able to buy that divider thing that separates your groceries from the other persons’.
tegm almost 10 years ago
hahahaha XD