Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 31, 2014
Coach: Nate, I'm sorry you didn't get a dog for Christmas, but you can't let it affect your game! Nate: Oh yes I can, Coach. I play better when I'm mad! Injustice is my fuel, and anger is my mighty engine! Just turn me loose against that other team, and I'll eat their LUNCH! Coach: Apparently, the pre-game pep talk I was planning won't be necessary. Chad: Did somebody mention lunch?
Seanbignate about 10 years ago
Their lunch isn’t on the field
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
I see foul plays in this game.
Bignatefan2002 about 10 years ago
Chad hears the word “Lunch” and finds the person who said it, wish I had that power…
ChessPirate about 10 years ago
Not if Chad eats it first, Nate!
Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago
Nate did.
orbenjawell Premium Member about 10 years ago
…..this doesn’t bode well for the whole team, actually…..his anger will do a number on his ability to focus……..
ko_hankinator about 10 years ago
My prediction: Jefferson 135, P.S. 38 2. Or, P.S. 38 67, Jefferson 68, or Nate will get many intentional fouls and he gets subbed by a person who wins the game for P.S. 38, which actually happened once.
26LeMahieu about 5 years ago
This is from Payback time lol
fernomega422 about 4 years ago
Some cool things about this strip that you may not have noticed:
Panel one: Coach’s words doesn’t have a speech bubble, which contrasts his tone with Nates.Panel two: The background is great, with many squares it looks like almost a spotlight for Nate.Panel Three: The one eyebrow look is a good look for Nate, shows his annoyance rather than hatred.Panel Four: You may think Chad is unnecessary, but it distracts Nate and calms his anger, which makes you realize how insane he is really being.
ArcticTails over 2 years ago
Pierce when he cant think of something for the last panel: CHAD GO AND SAY SOMETHING CUTE, LITERALLY ANYTHING.