Fang: How goes it?
Eno: Auggh!! I can't get this strand of lights untangled!!
Fang: Why get so worked up over it? Just hand that strand as is.
Eno: You're right. It would ease my nerves. Hand me the extension cord.
Fang: Here Y'Go.
You know there is a verifiable reason why cords become tangled. A government study (your tax dollars at work) revealed the existence of cord gnomes..These little creeps are tiny, less than a few inches tall, and notoriously hard to find and exterminate. They are an invasive species that began in Europe but were later spread to the rest of the world thanks to trade and exploration. They tangle cords as part of their mating process which is still largely misunderstood by the scientific community. They are not to be confused with the underwear gnomes of South Park..Honest, I wouldn’t make this up…
comicgos almost 10 years ago
Ol Skool almost 10 years ago
maybe it will untangle itself when it is plugedin
Reppr Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Who said “chill”?
puddlesplatt almost 10 years ago
remember to put it away neat, dumb ass!
jtviper7 almost 10 years ago
Single strand no ice cycles… Like the old days.
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
You know there is a verifiable reason why cords become tangled. A government study (your tax dollars at work) revealed the existence of cord gnomes..These little creeps are tiny, less than a few inches tall, and notoriously hard to find and exterminate. They are an invasive species that began in Europe but were later spread to the rest of the world thanks to trade and exploration. They tangle cords as part of their mating process which is still largely misunderstood by the scientific community. They are not to be confused with the underwear gnomes of South Park..Honest, I wouldn’t make this up…
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
Is that bottom lip beginning to quiver?