When my father lost the ability to talk due to cancer of the larynx, due to smoking, people decided he was a sweet old man. I loved him greatly, but knew they wouldn’t if they knew what he was thinking.Most people like best those who are silent.
I often wondered what dogs or cats think talking to owners. Our dogs we know what the female thinks she is grandpa’s girl, how we refer to my hubby, no grandchildren, he gives great butt scratches. She is also a food queen. No we do not over feed her. There is a 7-month-old also a food queen and fast. We have three Golden Retrievers. One male and two females. The oldest female is more of a longer. The male and youngest female are best of friends and love playing.
Barker62 about 10 years ago
Understanding catish is bad enough…
pelican47 about 10 years ago
PBS NewsHour-20 hours agoResearchers at North Carolina State University are inventing technology to decode dog talk
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
When my father lost the ability to talk due to cancer of the larynx, due to smoking, people decided he was a sweet old man. I loved him greatly, but knew they wouldn’t if they knew what he was thinking.Most people like best those who are silent.
Brown Leghorn about 10 years ago
Dogs talk with their eyes and their tails, if you learn to understand this.
GROG Premium Member about 10 years ago
Next Roscoe will tell you he peed on the Christmas presents.
SallyLin about 10 years ago
This one made me lol today!
jtviper7 about 10 years ago
Licked the toothbrush…Another reason why ; I rest my case ’.
alfracto about 10 years ago
Hi! Just to let you know, I marked your new Galaxy Note 4 as my own.
kab2rb about 10 years ago
I often wondered what dogs or cats think talking to owners. Our dogs we know what the female thinks she is grandpa’s girl, how we refer to my hubby, no grandchildren, he gives great butt scratches. She is also a food queen. No we do not over feed her. There is a 7-month-old also a food queen and fast. We have three Golden Retrievers. One male and two females. The oldest female is more of a longer. The male and youngest female are best of friends and love playing.
puddymom about 10 years ago
I don’t want to know their language. For countless millenniums people wondered what the sex of a baby would be. Now ultra sound has taken that away.
Petemejia77 about 10 years ago
..after I licked my you know what!
boldyuma about 10 years ago
I believe all dogs hear from us is….“Blagh,blagh,blagh..cookies?”…“Blagh,blagh,blagh..bath”“Blagh,blagh, blagh…….go for a walk?”
Mary McNeil Premium Member about 10 years ago
It sure took the fun out of Andy Rooney.