Gary seems to utter that encouragement to Leopold a bit flatly. Maybe his heart isn’t into it. But bone tools and weapons can be quite formidable, so I heartily applaud the little green mutant-cannibal for his environmental concern!
Wait… I thought Leopold ate his victims. (With that cool lab in the cellar, he could probably make some awesome weapons.) @J. Short – grooooan… good one.
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
Gary seems to utter that encouragement to Leopold a bit flatly. Maybe his heart isn’t into it. But bone tools and weapons can be quite formidable, so I heartily applaud the little green mutant-cannibal for his environmental concern!
J Short about 10 years ago
Leopold is trying to humerus.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 10 years ago
Reduce, reuse, recycle, retask
milquetoast60 about 10 years ago
Hey Mark – this is a repeat from several years ago. Maybe have Gary and company tour Europe?
T_Lexi about 10 years ago
Wait… I thought Leopold ate his victims. (With that cool lab in the cellar, he could probably make some awesome weapons.) @J. Short – grooooan… good one.
byamrcn about 10 years ago
Very funny!
flyintheweb about 10 years ago
hey, dumping biologic residue in the lake feeds the fish and is composting of sorts…