Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for February 04, 2015

  1. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. yesterday, I went to IHOP withmy 1st cousin (my father’s brother’s son) and his wife. I haven’t seen him since I was 13, more than 70 years ago. And the chocolate chip pancakes were also good.

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  about 10 years ago

    Morning, Village!

    Hope all you good people up yonder are digging out from the snow OK.

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    Dkram  about 10 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds..A fine snow is falling with a temp. of 12 above, toasty..Another slow day, nothing happening, keeping mother out of trouble and off the floor. (falls that is).Keep smiling..ttfn

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    MontanaLady  about 10 years ago

    Good Morning, Vagabonds,

    Check out my new Avatar. The NASA 747 that they used to ferry the Space Shuttles on, is on permanent display at the Palmdale, CA museum. Our daughter and her husband checked it out just after it was installed last year, and took this “artsy” picture. Pretty cool, huh?

    Well, we are warming up. It got up to 45 yesterday, and it was 15 during the night. But, for the next 7 days it will be much warmer……………just like Spring. :)) We’ll send some of this weather out to the East Coast for Arthur, Mark, and McPheeters. Enjoy.

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  5. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    The weather here is so nice that the trees are getting confused and starting to bloom. It was 72 yesterday and should be about the same today. Our walk this morning was spectacular.

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