Bucky reminds me of John Belushi, (I think it was John), saying something about contaminated weed and that viewers should send it to Him for testing. Haven’t seen that skid on SNL for so long I don’t remember it clearly.
All your base are belong to us. I’m reminded of a campaign slogan that would have been fitting for the late Marion Barry: “Barry: He’ll get drugs off the streets — like the rest of the users!”
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 10 years ago
Well, this arc is just getting less and less subtle every day.
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago
If Bucky added an S to weed then his sign would fit better for approval.
Egrayjames about 10 years ago
Bucky reminds me of John Belushi, (I think it was John), saying something about contaminated weed and that viewers should send it to Him for testing. Haven’t seen that skid on SNL for so long I don’t remember it clearly.
jbmlaw01 about 10 years ago
Agree with Egrayj, that matches my recollection.
AliCom about 10 years ago
Maybe we can send Bucky into New Haven, Ct.
transwarpmail-comics about 10 years ago
Don’t worry, Bucky… the stoners never remember to vote anyway.
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
My weed. Not yours. If I had any.
ComicsR4Fun Premium Member about 10 years ago
Can we just kill Bucky already?
heatherjasper about 10 years ago
Take it…to do what, exactly?
K M about 10 years ago
All your base are belong to us. I’m reminded of a campaign slogan that would have been fitting for the late Marion Barry: “Barry: He’ll get drugs off the streets — like the rest of the users!”
catmom1360 about 10 years ago
@demOcrat -Do you HATE cats. Why would you want to kill Bucky? He and Satch are the soul of the strip.
catmom1360 about 10 years ago
@kenOceanDo you HATE cats. Why would you want to kill Bucky? He and Satch are the heart and soul of the strip.