Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for December 26, 2014
Laura: I love holidays. Adam: Me, too. Laura: Can we all just lay around and watch movies and play with our new toys today? Adam: Absolutely. The only appointment I have today is with that pecan pie in there. Katy: A pie appointment? You're silly. Adam: Well.. I have a tentative three o'clock with the cookies if they're available.
Ol Skool about 10 years ago
no pecan pie for me, it’s apple or mincemeat with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
Dani Rice about 10 years ago
I am probably the only person I the world who likes fruit cake. The all time best as (is?) A & Ps Jane Parker brand. You can get it on Amazon for $50 for 5 pounds. YOU can. Not me.
nosirrom about 10 years ago
I have a cranberry apple pie appointment this afternoon at 3:14.
Perkycat about 10 years ago
Adam – a man with a plan!
skyriderwest about 10 years ago
I don’t really see the difference between this and any of Adam’s other days. Seems to me that Laura does all the work in this family.
gmorse76 about 10 years ago
LIE around! Lie around! NOT lay around!
MontanaLady about 10 years ago
Love pie!!!! My favorite is a double chocolate cream pie without any topping. The chocolate is so rich………………….!
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
I love peach pie; however, it is likely the highest calorie pie in existence! Not so good for those watching their blood sugar..I never cared for mincemeat pie. When I think of minced meat, I have a vision of tiny pieces of mystery meat mixed with other unidentifiable ingredients…
Ol Skool about 10 years ago
mmmmm—— thanks
ursen1 about 10 years ago
What I really miss this year is Mom’s Vinegar pie
nosirrom about 10 years ago
3:30 – Yum! That was an excellent appointment. Never a wait and never a disappointment.