What could go wrong with the government handling heath care? Ask those who live in Kentucky. They are a tad bit idiotic not to want to call it what it is, but Obamacare has done wonders for them and they love it.
I would consider allowing the Scandinavian countries to manage health care under a contract with the United States, given the rock solid evidence that the US government is incompetent to do so. But the individual mandate is still loathsome. Leftists always want to compel others to live under their strictures. The “land of the free” is no more due to democrats. I will never vote for a democrat for any position until ObamaCare is repealed in full – all of the taxes, all of the mandates, all of the restrictions. If, as I suspect, moderate republicans seek only to tweak, it will be time to escape the American loony bin
Too bad the truth is that the individual mandate was and always will be, a republican idea: Heritage Foundation, Gingrich, Rmoney. No liberals there. You got what you used to want.
I have hated Obamacare from the start, while at the same time thinking it’s immoral to deny life-saving health care to anyone. I can’t help but wonder at this point if I would hate it so much if it had been implemented by someone who didn’t lie and flout his fiduciary responsibility with such hubris.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Let’s let the insurance companies handle it instead. . . .oh wait!?!
BillWa about 10 years ago
Carmen, tell me you didn’t buy into the democraps lie about torture.
Mugens Premium Member about 10 years ago
What could go wrong with the government handling heath care? Ask those who live in Kentucky. They are a tad bit idiotic not to want to call it what it is, but Obamacare has done wonders for them and they love it.
jbmlaw01 about 10 years ago
I would consider allowing the Scandinavian countries to manage health care under a contract with the United States, given the rock solid evidence that the US government is incompetent to do so. But the individual mandate is still loathsome. Leftists always want to compel others to live under their strictures. The “land of the free” is no more due to democrats. I will never vote for a democrat for any position until ObamaCare is repealed in full – all of the taxes, all of the mandates, all of the restrictions. If, as I suspect, moderate republicans seek only to tweak, it will be time to escape the American loony bin
Ray Thomas about 10 years ago
Anybody who thinks Obamacare is a good thing is brain dead.
kaffekup about 10 years ago
Too bad the truth is that the individual mandate was and always will be, a republican idea: Heritage Foundation, Gingrich, Rmoney. No liberals there. You got what you used to want.
dogday Premium Member about 10 years ago
I have hated Obamacare from the start, while at the same time thinking it’s immoral to deny life-saving health care to anyone. I can’t help but wonder at this point if I would hate it so much if it had been implemented by someone who didn’t lie and flout his fiduciary responsibility with such hubris.
ZBicyclist Premium Member about 10 years ago
I would not have thought torture and Obamacare would make for a funny strip, but this is a good one.
Depressing if you think too long about it, though.
damifid0 about 10 years ago
Health Care for ‘all’. Single payer. :)
kaffekup about 10 years ago
If only it were a lie. Saying it is is meaningless. Ask the people I named, not just Faux.
kaffekup about 10 years ago
Oh, by the way, remember, whoever invokes Nazis first loses. Loser.