Things went well yesterday, we were at the hospital at 7:15 and out by 1:30. Barbara was very brave, and came through without a hitch. The real wait begins for the biopsy results in a day to two.I’m going to be playing nursemaid ( a bit more that usual) for the next week as her strength hopefully returns.Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes, may you all have a great day and even better health.The wing were were in had these lighted panels with views of the sky,clouds, kites, etc.Festive and positive to the un-jaded eye, we both straight away made a reference to “Soylent Green” and had a laugh before they wheeled her away. The doctor got the joke as he was a little older than us.The staff was lovely, and there was a big tv with the patient number and a color code to indicate what phase she was in. Chester jumped on her straight away, and Poodle is playing Nursemaid while Roy keeps her company.
Good news on the foster cat. Rory got a new forever home tonight. A lady was at PetCo looking at a young, very sweet kitty and called Susan. She said she really wanted an older, hard to adopt cat. I called her so fast it was like lightning! Long story short, she came to the house, spent over an hour with the kitty and took her home! Plus, due to her newly widowed circumstances, she is looking for something to do to keep her busy. Like me, she has no friends. I think she might like to help at PetCo sometime. We shall see.
On Saturday, I will bring home a big, fat boy who is too big for the shelter cage. He is in Susans garage right now but needs to be around people. He likes other cats so he and Moose should get along fine. Then Susan will take JoJo home from the shelter till there is room at PetCO.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 10 years ago
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 10 years ago
Oh come on, we’ve all done this!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 10 years ago
Must hide the yarn….
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 10 years ago
Oh little town of Bethlehem…..
Space_cat about 10 years ago
Things went well yesterday, we were at the hospital at 7:15 and out by 1:30. Barbara was very brave, and came through without a hitch. The real wait begins for the biopsy results in a day to two.I’m going to be playing nursemaid ( a bit more that usual) for the next week as her strength hopefully returns.Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes, may you all have a great day and even better health.The wing were were in had these lighted panels with views of the sky,clouds, kites, etc.Festive and positive to the un-jaded eye, we both straight away made a reference to “Soylent Green” and had a laugh before they wheeled her away. The doctor got the joke as he was a little older than us.The staff was lovely, and there was a big tv with the patient number and a color code to indicate what phase she was in. Chester jumped on her straight away, and Poodle is playing Nursemaid while Roy keeps her company.
More_Cats_Than_Sense about 10 years ago
SticktheWicket about 10 years ago
@A_Dream4u Glad to hear everything went well. We are still in your corner!!!
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 10 years ago
Dang-he escaped
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 10 years ago
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 10 years ago
Shikamoo Premium Member about 10 years ago
Great photos everyone! Poor kitty in the snugly and cone!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 10 years ago
How do you know Chesney wasn’t talking to you, Little dog?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 10 years ago
2old love the Bethlehem kitty. Don’t be surprised if I use it! :-)
Queen of America about 10 years ago
Good news on the foster cat. Rory got a new forever home tonight. A lady was at PetCo looking at a young, very sweet kitty and called Susan. She said she really wanted an older, hard to adopt cat. I called her so fast it was like lightning! Long story short, she came to the house, spent over an hour with the kitty and took her home! Plus, due to her newly widowed circumstances, she is looking for something to do to keep her busy. Like me, she has no friends. I think she might like to help at PetCo sometime. We shall see.
On Saturday, I will bring home a big, fat boy who is too big for the shelter cage. He is in Susans garage right now but needs to be around people. He likes other cats so he and Moose should get along fine. Then Susan will take JoJo home from the shelter till there is room at PetCO.