Peanuts Begins by Charles Schulz for January 15, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 9 years ago


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    rpG Premium Member about 9 years ago

    In the context of the 1950’s, what is a sidewalk photographer? Were there photographers on city sidewalks taking pictures of passersby for money?

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  3. Wink
    tom  about 9 years ago

    Actually, yes. Photographers would take pictures of people out in public and hand them a card where they could go to get their print.

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  4. Monty avatar
    steverinoCT  about 9 years ago

    Out with friends. Girl wants a group photo, pushes button, and then looks down at the camera to see how it came out, just as it finishes auto-focusing and exposure-setting: Click! a photo of the sidewalk. So she does it again. And again. Three photos of the sidewalk. Got a passer-by to take it of all of us.

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  5. Penguin hero
    grainpaw  about 9 years ago

    In the 80’s, I handed a viewfinder camera to an old neighbor to take a picture of me and my car. He held it down at waist level like an old box camera, and couldn’t see the image so he could snap the picture.

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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago

    What else?

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  7. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  about 9 years ago

    A sidewalk photographer could have taken video footage of a sidewalk for YouTube in current year times.

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  8. Oscar wilde
    maybeinthenextworld  about 9 years ago

    damn your irrepressible charm, Charles.

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