Peanuts Begins by Charles Schulz for January 22, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 9 years ago

    Roughly only 12 more months until Christmas.

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    peter  about 9 years ago


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    orinoco womble  about 9 years ago

    Back in the late 60s at school we were each given a tiny pine seedling to take home and plant. Now I realise that the seedlings were far too small to be planted out, and given to us at the wrong time of year anyway. I bet not a single one took root; mine and my best friend’s certainly didn’t.

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    paha_siga  about 9 years ago

    I have a smaller fir (we use firs – our pines are 10m high, those I have decorated with swings and ropes and tree houses) than that planted in our garden. It has been decorated all these last two Christmases we have had it (one piece of tinsel is more than enough).

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    grumper13  about 9 years ago

    A “dead” line…what incentive!

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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago


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  7. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  about 9 years ago

    I am reminded of this…

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