La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for December 31, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  about 10 years ago


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    Michelle Morris  about 10 years ago

    I think indiethink’s head’s gonna explode!

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    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    I’m actually not all that crazy about the whole coconut/oreo/twinkie term thrown at people of color who aren’t deemed to be “brown” or “black” or “yellow” enough, whatever any of that really means. Just call Rubio what he is—a craven Republican politician who is generally too weak-spined to stand up for his own principles when they happen to fall somewhere to the left of David Duke. (Or Steve Scalise, for that matter.)

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    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    You’re repeating the same strip as yesterday.According to Agrestic, you do that because you don’t remember.

    Aside from the whole words-twisting thing that you seem to specialize in, your own constant repetition would suggest your own lack of memory. Or does a different logic and physics apply to you?

    jumping through hoops with your same barking

    What’s with the language comparing folks who disagree with you to animals? Or should that be taken as a compliment from your honorable self?

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    tallguy98366  about 10 years ago

    Wow, methinks agrestic could use an enema. Chill dude, it’s just a comic strip. If it jacks up your blood pressure so much stop reading it. I gave up on Mallard Fillmore in a week and am sooooo much happier.

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    kaffekup   about 10 years ago

    I don’t think you meant to address agrestic; he/she likes La Cucarocha. It’s someone else whose blood pressure boils before looking at the strip..In any case, I don’t think calling someone a “coconut-head” has to be an ethnic slur. Anyone can have a hard, impenetrable head with not much inside.

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    TheEtruscan  about 10 years ago

    High time to send all of those Republican Cubans in Florida on one way ticket to Cuba (libre).

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    cdward  about 10 years ago

    Dude, take a break. You dominated yesterday with endless attacks, and you are repeating yourself today. Just breathe for awhile – quietly.

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    Michelle Morris  about 10 years ago

    BTW,you didn’t answer my question. I didn’t ask about your singlemindedness,I asked specifically if you had any other comics in your queue.I’ve looked at your responses,and it’s just solidly Lalo. No variation whatsoever. You say that one of your objections to this strip is that it’s a political strip in a family forum. By that logic,so should Doonesbury,which has been dealing with politics and other controversial issues for years,way before Lalo picked up a pen. I also cite Darrin Bell,and Keith Knight,who has three comics on this site. I’m surprised you haven’t commented on them as well. Of all the dillio9000s of the world,you’re the dillio9000-est.

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    zippykatz  about 10 years ago

    This is just mean.

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    Space_cat  about 10 years ago

    @indiethinkWay to poison a forum!When not online, do you piss in peoples wells and salt the earth in their gardens?Just wondering..Perhaps you should publish your own brand of inane and insipid drivel as a comic?Or don’t they allow you to have access to anything sharper than a crayon in the group home you obviously belong to?

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    Michelle Morris  about 10 years ago

    Come on,indiethink,when I ask you,“Do you have anything else in your queue?” in GoComics,I’m not asking you about your golf game.

    You’re entitled to disagree with Lalo’s opinions,but you also must acknowledge that when a cartoonist picks up pen and paper, they have a point of view,regardless of the type of cartoon,be it Beetle Bailey or La Cucaracha. Even Peanuts had a point of view about things,particularly war,as Schultz himself was a WW2 vet. BTW,my description of you as “the dillio9000-est” is an allusion to “A Charlie Brown Christmas” when Linus describes Charlie Brown as being “the Charlie Brown-est” of all the Charlie Browns in the world. And dillio9000 was a poster who was equally dedicated to opining about the style and substance (or lack thereof) of The Chuckle Bros.,so my reference was not an insult,but rather a comparison.

    I’ve already pointed out but a few comics that have already earned the ire of posters in the past,and will gain more in the future. But I don’t really have to point more out for you,do I? You can seek them out for yourself. Of course,if you disagree with the cartoonists opinions (and you probably will)you’ll label many of those comics as “biased and unbalanced” “most divisive”,“least clever”as well. In short,if that’s what you seek,you shall find.

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  13. 1tau lljsaaef kfpea5vpgadia  .medium
    Michelle Morris  about 10 years ago

    My question was very specific and to the point. No need to “interpret”.

    You_have_ taken him to task about his opinions. You’ve cited him as “biased and unbalanced” and his views as "extreme left-wing and cultural bias in your own post today!

    A point of view is necessary for any creative thought(or any thought at all) to have any impact. Not everyone’s gonna agree with it,but that’s what happens when you have a little thing called Freedom of Speech. Suitability is a nebulous concept,which varies from person to person,culture to culture,era to era,etc.BTW,who thinks they’d have the right to put Neo-Nazis on BET,the Nazis or BET?

    My reference to dillio9000 may have been obscure,but still sufficiently explained/clarified.because,naturally,nobody knows everybody here,and really-you’ve really never seen “A Charlie Brown Christmas”? That line is right at the top of the show! Help me out,people! How many of you got that reference?

    And no, you really haven’t covered any of my points,you just nitpicked what I said and how I said it,along with the same old,same old:Lalo sucks, liberal extremist,his defenders are lemmings,not suitable for family,draws badly,blah,blah,blah. In case you haven’t noticed,We Get That.

    As I’ve said before,you are fully entitled to dislike/disagree with Lalo,your cartoonist of choice,just live with the fact that he and his fellow cartoonists all have a point of view/opinion,and that’s expressed in their works,whether you like it or not. Without that view,their works would be innocuous,unchallenging and not worth reading by anyone,regardless of the genre. And yeah,people who like Lalo,are gonna defend him,so if you insist on continuing to single him out,continue to expect that,because his defenders have opinions too! Shocking!!!!

    And one person’s pimple is another person’s beauty mark,so even that statement doesn’t carry a whole lot of water.

    And yeah,we could ignore your posts.I do most of the time because you repeat yourself,ad infinitum. But I’m on vacation,so I have some time to kill. And besides,if you weren’t so contrary, you wouldn’t be famous and nobody wold talk to you!

    Hey,guys! We’ve got our own Argument Clinic right here!

    Sure your not a secret Pythoner,indie?

    Happy New Year,everybody!

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    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    As I said, You’re repeating the same posts as yesterday….

    Says the repetitive one. Ad nauseam, I might add.

    By the way, Lalo is very often guilty of trying (unsuccessfully) to get humor out of an obscure reference that has to looked up to understand.

    Translation: “I didn’t get it.”

    A point of view is not suitable for certain places.

    Um, everything is done with a point of view. And apparently you’re in the clear minority when it comes to thinking that La Cucaracha shouldn’t show up in the “family” comics pages. Actually, come to think of it, papers like the LA Times don’t call them the “Family Comics” pages. They just call them the “Comics” pages. It’s you who have placed the “family” appellation on them. Sounds to me like you’re doing some nice bit of interpretation there.

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    Michelle Morris  about 10 years ago

    The only reason I allegedly “miss your points” is because you are too firmly cemented in your own viewpoint. However,the very fact that you haven’t disputed any of my comments,indicates hope. And I’m sorry I don’t speak enough Caveman for you to point at and insult for lack of eloquence,but I’m kinda accustomed to using the English language in the manner that I do in order to…what’s that big word….COMMUNICATE. We conveniently miss your point when we don’t agree with you,and conveniently hit the nail on the head when we do. And in the process,you also conveniently forget your own verbosity when responding. And so it goes.

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    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    Only congress can lift the trade embargo. Obama’s been working overtime to infuriate the new congress.

    This is what mdavis and his blindly right-wing buddies murmur, over and over, to comfort themselves that there is still a chance that conflict and hate will continue to reign in this world. Not to mention that “the new congress” has not yet come into power.

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  17. 1tau lljsaaef kfpea5vpgadia  .medium
    Michelle Morris  about 10 years ago

    I may have 99 Problems,but Lalo ain’t one of them.

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