Katy: Pig in a blanket?
Adam: You have to know that's hurtful.
Katy: What? No. Do you want one? Mom made some.
Adam: Oh.
Katy: I think dad's in a weird place.
Laura: I think dad's in a weird place.
Laura: I think that's his permanent residence.
Ol Skool about 10 years ago
adam has feelings?
pumaman about 10 years ago
Idea from that TV commercial with the pig at the football game.
pumaman about 10 years ago
Even used the same color blanket.
nosirrom about 10 years ago
Pig in a blanket, like the one in the commercial, looks a lot more comfortable than a pig skin on the field.
emjaycee about 10 years ago
When I was a child: in my family (Eastern European descent), ‘pigs in a blanket’ were rice and tomato sauce-stuffed cabbage leaves (boiled) – I think they were called ‘goumpki’ or something like that. I hated them. I was quite relieved when I found out that, in our new neighborhood after moving out of grandma’s house, ‘pigs in a blanket’ were hotdogs in a Pillsbury crescent roll. Hurrah!. Still hate EE PIAB to this day.
MontanaLady about 10 years ago
I LOVE “Goumpki” (or however it is spelled)……..especially as QuietStorm27 described them. Old Polish family recipe!
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
Those are the Pigs in a Blanket that I know! Go high end and use Bavarian smokies. Cabbage Rolls – Cabbage leaves (of course), rice, ground meat (sausage), tomato sauce. – Goes really well with perogies, borscht. And yummy!
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
Adam looks sick. How can he be – he never goes anywhere other than the coffee place.
P51Strega about 10 years ago
Pigs in a blanket where I grew up was breakfast sausage wrapped in a pancake. Yum. (the versions presented above look good too)