The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for January 25, 2015
The Born Loser by Art & Chip Sansom Uncle Ted: Cheers, Brutus! Brutus: Were you ever much of an imbiber, Uncle Ted? Uncle Ted: I used to be a rum and cola man, back in the day... Uncle Ted: But now that I'm older, things have changed... Uncle Ted: I've given up the strong stuff. Brutus: So, it's just cola for you these days? Uncle Ted: No, no! I still drink the rum, but it's with diet cola now!
miqq1234 almost 10 years ago
…..funny…..right on….
nosirrom almost 10 years ago
Yuck! I can not stand the taste of Aspartame.That’s why I gave up drinking soda rather than switching to diet.
Charlie Fogwhistle almost 10 years ago
When I consider the calories in all the spirits I’ve consumed over the years, and all the pounds that translates into, one thing comes to mind. If I hadn’t drunk all that, my weight would be counted in minus pounds.