This bub anin’t Andy Anderson (in one episode of the 1990s animated series “Life with Louie”, semi-based on THE Louie Anderson’s childhood, Andy wanted veterans to have designated parking spaces, not just the handicapped).
Years ago, Candid Camera did a stunt like that. They had a little kid standing in a parking space who told people that he was saving it for his mother.
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
This bub anin’t Andy Anderson (in one episode of the 1990s animated series “Life with Louie”, semi-based on THE Louie Anderson’s childhood, Andy wanted veterans to have designated parking spaces, not just the handicapped).
cdward almost 10 years ago
And when the car parks there anyway, have fun getting your sweatshirt back.
Superfrog almost 10 years ago
Then you should have left a parka.
nosirrom almost 10 years ago
Better ways to save a parking space.
HappyPhil almost 10 years ago
Pedmar Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Years ago, Candid Camera did a stunt like that. They had a little kid standing in a parking space who told people that he was saving it for his mother.
YoungGeezer almost 10 years ago
Makes no sense.
tired-one almost 10 years ago
“…Guess who was in the wrong…”
Dude, my sympathies.