Flo: Whoa! The food critic gave us a 4-stah rating because of yawr cookin', Kate!
Kate: Woo-hoo!!
Flo: "...The ratatouille is to die for, but some of the, shall we say, local flavor, can be an appetite killer..."
Eddie: *urp* Ok, now what'd I do?
Argythree about 10 years ago
The Captain is ‘local flavor’? I thought he was just a local…
Bilan about 10 years ago
I thought he was just loco.
Dtroutma about 10 years ago
Baskin Robbins, eat your heart out.
Argythree about 10 years ago
Bourbon With Coffee about 10 years ago
I respect how Miller is able to light-heartedly, yet coherently, address complex social and institutional phenomena. This storyline alone has touched on health care, diet, personal accountability, gentrification and cultural identity—-but with kids, sarcasm,one liners, and burps. Nicely done!
Lord Garth about 10 years ago
Now we have a cat (on a rum-soaked local) on a cold tin roofBWAAAHAAHAAHAA
Varnes about 10 years ago
I would not want to go up against Flo and Kate….Just don’t think I’d get very far……
Plods with ...™ about 10 years ago
Fresh from the boat. Not necessarily a good thing.
Uhohcroc about 10 years ago
Norwegian Bachelor Farmers, where I come from.
dabugger about 10 years ago
So Kate comes and Eddie goes with Flo’s help? Maybe he has not paid his bill yet?
twhalen about 10 years ago
I’ve seen both “local color” and “local flavor”. “Local character” is another. I think it comes down to literary license.
KEA about 10 years ago
well, there’s atmosphere, and then there’s “atmosphere”
damifid0 about 10 years ago
Sadly,i’d be capt Eddie,with a spotted dog. or/NOt. heh,heh. :) Peace. Jus suis Charlie
gordol about 10 years ago
What happened to the ‘R’ in “DINER”?
didereaux about 10 years ago
thats it. Miller and his born again vegan fervor preaching can kiss mibe… non sequiter is dead! That’s sad.
pouncingtiger about 10 years ago
Eddie is going to blame Pauley saying he clawed the critic.
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
I see Flo found a job for Cap’n Eddie. A way for him to work off his tab. Not only is he now a new New England roof ornament and Spotter. (for all those beating a track to Flo’s.)
katfromky about 10 years ago
Local flavor would def. be fishy.
Argythree about 10 years ago
Well, the Captain can look at it this way. He now has a ready-made source for his tall tales, and one that might even make those tales more believable. With a rooftop location, he can talk to crowds and even convince them that a rogue storm swept him up and deposited him in some distant, dangerous land. AND he’s far enough from the crowd that any ‘local aroma’ he generates would be gone with the winds…
Varnes about 10 years ago
After Eddies belch, you’d think the problem would be local odor…
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Do vegans demand separate kitchens from that of the omnivores?